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musée de l'imprimerie et de la communication graphique musée de l'imprimerie et de la communication graphique
musée de l'imprimerie et de la communication graphique
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Contacts and organisation chart

If you want to contact one of the members of the museum:

Director: Joseph Belletante
Secretary: Kate Janier, Stéphane Poncet, Marjolaine Bertholat, Frédérique Michaud, Emilie Bene, Mélanie Francillon-Seillet
Exhibitions/Collections: Hélène-Sybille Beltran 
Juliette Mermet, Mylène Legros
Communication: Sarah Lowicki 
Documentation/Webmestre: Pierre-Antoine Lebel
Public development and events: Céline Carducci, Philippe Weiss
Booking: Pauline Royer
Médiation: Joséphine Malherbe
letterpress studio: Fernande Nicaise, Sabrina Saunière
Facility management: Stéphanie Veillat
Building and collections technology: Patrice Lecomte 
Security: Bernard Rocamora, David Thevenet
Librairy: Hubert Passot
Reception: Virginie André, Guillaume Deschamps, Marwa Hasnaoui, Jean-Rémi Massin, Hubert Passot, Eric Roubaudi
Housekeeping: Joyce Owusu