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musée de l'imprimerie et de la communication graphique
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MUSEUM WEEK 2022 - Environment

Museum Week is a global event that take place during a week each year with the participation of museums, associations and cultural institutions.

7 days, 7 themes, 7 hashtags : monday 13 #InnovationMW, tuesday 14 #CreatorsMW, wednesday 15 #FreedomMW, thursday 16 #SexualityMW, friday 17 #EnvironmentMW, saturday 18 #LifeLessonsMW, sunday 19 #DanceMW.

Follow us on social media so you don't miss anything this week!


Did you know ?
You can make paper out of (almost) anything!
Many recipes are available on the Internet, easy to reproduce at home!

In the 18th century, paper represented 90% of the cost of a book and sometimes the supply of raw material (rags) did not keep with demand. In times of war and during the French Revolution, for example, paper made from rags became scarce. Production dropped and distribution was disrupted. Faced with this shortage, papermakers innovated by using wood-fibre, potatoes… even horse-manure!

Here are different papers, mostly made in the typography workshop, sometimes even by our visitors!
What do you think these were made from?


deux papiers recyclés