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musée de l'imprimerie et de la communication graphique
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MUSEUM WEEK 2022 - Life lessons

Museum Week is a global event that take place during a week each year with the participation of museums, associations and cultural institutions.

7 days, 7 themes, 7 hashtags : monday 13 #InnovationMW, tuesday 14 #CreatorsMW, wednesday 15 #FreedomMW, thursday 16 #SexualityMW, friday 17 #EnvironmentMW, saturday 18 #LifeLessonsMW, sunday 19 #DanceMW.

Follow us on social media so you don't miss anything this week!



Susan Kare developed font models in the 80s that are easily readable on the screen and built in bitmap. She was the first to succeed in composing a modern and easily readable typeface, baptized Elefont, then changed its name to Chicago, becoming subsequently the primary typeface used on the Macintosh for nearly 15 years. From this model, Susan Kare developed variations inspired by the historical evolutions of European typography, with or without serif, by gothics, with fixed spacing, handwritten or composed of various symbols.

Find her great quotes in fonts she imagined!


citation de susan kare
citation de susan kare
citation de susan kare