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MUSEUM WEEK 2022 - Liberty

Museum Week is a global event that take place during a week each year with the participation of museums, associations and cultural institutions.

7 days, 7 themes, 7 hashtags : monday 13 #InnovationMW, tuesday 14 #CreatorsMW, wednesday 15 #FreedomMW, thursday 16 #SexualityMW, friday 17 #EnvironmentMW, saturday 18 #LifeLessonsMW, sunday 19 #DanceMW.

Follow us on social media so you don't miss anything this week!


October 18, 1534: History tells us that Francis Ist woke up that day with a text sticked on his door, arguing against the Catholic mass. For the Most Christian King, this was a direct insult towards his person and his religion. Francis Ist, Catholic but until this moment rather tolerant with Protestants, stroke back violently. Stakes were lighted again and many people were arrested. Most of them decided to flee to Switzerland, a hotspot of the Reformation. That was where Antoine Marcourt – the author – and Pierre de Vingle – former printer form Lyon. This episode, known as The Affair of the Placards, was the milestone of the beginning of the Religious Wars in France.

Three years later, Francis Ist created the legal deposit, still mandatory nowadays : each published, printed, or imported work has to be registered to the State. This has been a very effective mean to collect and preserve, as well as control and monitor printed books and other media.

In the same way, the Council of Trente (1545 – 1663) was the occasion for the Catholic Church to respond to the crisis  of the Reformation. It has edicted a list of forbidden books for every good Christian : the index. The forbidden aspects of the mentionned books gave them more publicity than discredit.

That was the case for the Encyclopédie, a general encyclopaedia written by French philosophers and scientists, put on the Index in 1759 before being authorized thanks to the influence of the favourite of King Louis XV, the Marquise de Pompadour.


Find, in the course of our permanent collection, these objects witnesses of our History!

vue de Le Placard de 1534 contre la Messe (inv_351)
Le Placard de 1534 contre la Messe (inv_351)
vue de l'Index Librorum Prohibitorum (inv_4703)
Index Librorum Prohibitorum (inv_4703)
Condamnation de l'Encyclopédie Condamnation des libraires à rembourser l'Encyclopédie Règlement du commerce à Lyon. (inv_481)
Condamnation de l'Encyclopédie Condamnation des libraires à rembourser l'Encyclopédie Règlement du commerce à Lyon. (inv_481)