Le musée ambulant. Lectures de Miyazaki.
Hayao Miyazaki has adapted a myriad of books, films and manga on the big screen. He also takes inspiration in paintings, places and memories to create a passionate and sentimental multi-layered setting. It is this setting, and what it contains in terms of discoveries of authors, artists and graphic influences from all eras, which is celebrated in this exhibition. Miyazaki, the director, is not the hero of this project, but he is the one we think of as we observe the uncountable ways in which he cuts, transforms, shapes these texts and images to then animate them.
In this exhibition, we therefore focus on his works, his ten main films, like a traveling museum. We hope that this dive into the hidden side of films we considered as very famous will whet your appetite and your passion for fiction under all shapes. In your own way, you are also at the heart of this story since we consider your ways of looking at and adapting Miyazaki's images in your lives, through disguise, creation, transformation and translation into your own languages!
Exhibition from Friday, April 12th to Sunday, September 22nd, 2024
Wednesdays to Sundays, 10:30 to
1. Manual
2. An exhibition for everyone
3. The paths
_ MICG x Kiblind
_ Jean-Christophe Deveney
_ Lectures de W
_ Pomme controls the sound of the exhibition
4. Events
5. Press
6. Supports

The exhibition is made up of ten sets, each being dedicated to a Miyazaki film. Every film is presented alongside the director's main literary and visual inspirations. Writings from the 12th century side with for example Pokémon cards, in resonance with the museum's collections (original and stencil editions), valuable loans (Japanese prints, books and illustrations) and contemporary creations. The influence of Hayao Miyazaki's work on everyone’s culture, and the emotions he brings are undeniable. In order to cross-reference, we asked artists, students and children to react to his images or to the words that inspired him so as to offer a true panorama of his aesthetic universe, thus setting the questions of interpretation, reinterpretation and adaptation at the heart of this project. The threads of numerous complementary topics are drawn to compose a lively and moving atlas of texts and images, accessible to all ages.
To include all audiences, especially the youngest, specific areas are dedicated to children. Easily recognizable by their cabin shape, these spaces offer activities so that everyone can experience the exhibition in a different way: books, colouring pages, and even disguises. For a family discovery of the exhibition, we offer you newspapers to leaf through together. Designed as keys for the reading of the exhibition, they develop topics chosen by primary and middle school students. The museum also provides you with books, which you can pick up from the library, to accompany you through the exhibition and to allow you to explore certain subjects more deeply. Be free to leave your book or keep it with you!
Also find a short film, produced in partnership with the Louis Jouvet college and the Zola cinema in Villeurbanne with the desire to observe children watching a Miyazaki film. It was during a screening of the film The Castle in the Sky at the beginning of February that their raw emotions were collected. Immediately after the session, their impressions and comments were captured. Finally, it is in their classroom that the middle school students reveal to us what they think are the director's many influences.

For this exhibition, Kiblind, a quarterly magazine dedicated to visual culture and contemporary illustration, got ten illustrators from Lyon to create original art works based on an emotion provoked by each of the ten Miyazaki films. Since 2017, Kiblind has owned a workshop/gallery in Lyon, exhibition and production halls to develop the artistic project of the magazine through the creation of illustrated objects, using printed know-how and particularly risography. Find in our exhibition rooms the works of Simon Bailly, Agathe Bruguière, Antoine Eckart, Camille Gobourg, HifuMiyo, Gaelle Loth, Laura Olivieri, Simon Roussin, Jeanne Saboureault and Téo Transinne.
To go further into questions of adaptation and (re)interpretation, the work of Jean-Christophe Deveney, a distinguished comic book scriptwriter, punctuates the exhibition. The works Giantess: the story of the one who travelled the world in search of freedom with Núria Tamarit, Les Naufragés de la Méduse with JS Bordas, Haruki Murakami, the seventh man and other stories with PMGL as well as Lili Ghost with Sébastien Spagnolo and David Dany are presented in the rooms. Original plates, strips and storyboards allow us to follow the screenwriter's approach of his writing work with the illustrators. The themes of adaptation between loyalties and betrayals, as well as inspiration of archetypal characters or even real events are addressed.

In September 2023, the first year students of Fanny Béguery, artistic education professor at the French Superior School of Fine Arts (École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon (ENSBA)) received a corpus of ten texts: selected but anonymous extracts from literary influences of Miyazaki. All students chose a text and offered an interpretation of it, without knowing that this project would be integrated into this exhibition. Around sixty proposals emerged and ten of these projects were selected and are now exhibited, so as to show the diversity of possible readings of these literary fragments. The proposals from Garance Bedu, Nathalie Désilles, Jeanne Fondement, Samy Hanifi-Jolain, Mélissa Le Gal-Ndongué, Angèle Levet, Jiayue Li, Eliot Mackowiak, Tess Malevergne, and Lola Vaudecranne thus illustrate each of the director's film. All the students' projects are brought together in a portfolio that can be browsed in the rooms.
French singer Pomme released two albums about seasons in December 2023 and March 2024. Published under her own label, Sois Sage Musique, the ‘Saisons’ project was carried out with musicians and producers Flavien Berger, for the first record, and Aaron Dessner (from The National) for the second one. Acknowledging the importance of Miyazaki's films in her artistic imagination, the museum called Pomme to compose the soundtrack for the exhibition. The singer accepted and chose to entrust us with nine instrumental extracts that she composed for ‘Saisons’, as well as a song, Itsumo Nando Demo, that she recorded in 2019 and covers the anthem of the film Spirited Away. You will therefore be able to find, in the exhibition rooms, the soundtrack by Pomme, which she developed by assigning colours, warm or cold, to each film, making them resonate with the music of her musical project which is "conceptual and orchestral, thought of as a modern opera presented in four movements and four seasons.”

Visits and workshops are offered to you from April to September 2024, for adults, children, families:
- Guided tours for everyone: our mediators will accompany you in your (re)discovery of these films, their influences and interpretations to amaze you, exchange and travel.
- Fun visits: discover the exhibition as a family, have fun taking on challenges, asking questions, manipulating, testing!
- Creative workshops: it’s up to you! Adults, children or teenagers, come and experiment with techniques in our workshops and leave with your creations. From engraving to illustration to typography, find numerous proposals on the themes of the exhibition.

- Film screenings
_ Spirited Away, April 16, 8:30 p.m., at the Aquarium Ciné-Café (Lyon 4th), screening followed by a discussion
_ The Tale of Princess Kaguya by Isao Takahata, June 15, 10:30 a.m., at the Lumière Terreaux Cinema (Lyon 1st)
- Meetings
_ In Jean Christophe Deveney's workshop: writing/screenplay workshop, Saturday May 25 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday September 14 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
_ Meeting with Jean-Christophe Deveney, Saturday June 8
_ Visits commented by Sylvain Revolon, collector, around his collection of prints and the links between tradition and the works of Miyazaki, Saturday June 15, Wednesday July 3 and Saturday September 7
- Events
_ Lyon BD festival, Saturday June 8: presence of two illustrators in the exhibition to “sketch” the visitors and round table at the Lyon City Hall in the presence of Joseph Belletante, director of the museum and Jean -Christophe Deveney on the notions of interpretation, appropriation and plagiarism.
_ Museum night, Saturday May 18 until 11 p.m.: activities and visits
_ Nocturne, Thursday June 13 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.: free visit to the exhibition and events around illustrators in collaboration with Kiblind
_ European Heritage Days, September 21 and 22: closing weekend
With the support from Citizenkid, Cityz Media, Grains de Sel, Le Petit Bulletin, TCL/Sytral